Road Layout

As you may be aware, Lovell are in the process of finishing off phase 4 at Loftus garden Village and the next steps will be top off the roads with block paving and tarmac. The work will be carried out in phases and we will work with Lovell to liaise with residents to ensure you are aware when the works are due to commence. There may be some instances where there may be restricted access to your property during the day, however we will work with you to ensure minimal disruption.
As part of the works, we will also be installing chicanes along Loftus Walk, which is a ‘shared surface’ type highway. This type of highway is designed for pedestrians and vehicles to share the road and the chicanes will be installed to ensure vehicle speeds are kept low for child safety. We have set out some traffic cones along Loftus Walk in the locations of the proposed chicanes and would appreciate if you could work with us to ensure that the traffic cones aren’t moved and that vehicle speeds are kept to a minimum.