May 2020

My goodness, doesn’t time fly when your busy? May turned into June so quickly this year that last month’s blog just didn’t materialise, far too busy with hedge cutting and nursing the amphitheatre back to health. June is whizzing by just as fast, I can’t believe the longest day has been and gone already.

I’m glad to say that this month we have finally being able to take down the barrier tape around the amphitheatre and get that “after” photo I’ve been longing for. A couple of months back the “before” photo showed a pretty sorry looking patch of grass eaten away by leather jackets. Mud was the dominant feature and what grass was there was weak and feeble looking.

Now, after seeding, feeding, lots of watering and a double dose of nematodes the amphitheatre is back. We have thick healthy grass again and although a few patches on the steps still struggling, the bald patches are shrinking by the day. We have not killed all the weeds off as I love Daisy’s and have fond childhood memories of sitting on the grass making daisy chains, something that today’s kids don’t seem to do. We have also allowed clover to remain for the insects. both these weeds are low growing and look fine amongst the grass.

Hedge cutting is underway but was slowed down a few weeks back by one of the driest Mays on record. We had to put the hedge cutter down and get out the hose pipes, Loftus was shrivelling up before our very eyes. Thank goodness for this lovely rain, everything now looks lush and rehydrated, lets hope the sunshine and showers continue.

Bees have been a big topic this month too with rare Bee orchids popping up for the third year and a swarm of honeybees deciding Loftus was a great place to set up residence. Unfortunately, as fabulous as it was to see them, for health and safety reasons they had to be moved on by a local beekeeper. He took them away to one of his hives.

Jo, our new apprentice has started this week after a long delay due to the lockdown. She is very keen and a third pair of hand is going to be a massive help. So, if you see her about please say “hi” and welcome her to Loftus.

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