Loftus lights up thanks to generous donation from contractor ADS

Loftus Garden Village is looking festive once again thanks to a kind donation of a Christmas tree from Pobl’s contractor, Andrew D’Auria Solutions (ADS).  

Jason Dymock, of the Loftus Garden Village Neighbourhood Watch Group, approached ADS to ask if they would be willing to offer financial support towards the purchase of the tree, and they generously agreed to cover the full cost, including delivery.  

In true partnership spirit, the Loftus gardening team then erected the tree on site, and Pobl agreed to cover the cost of the electricity to keep the lights glowing throughout the seasonal period.  

Frances Hope, Head Gardener at Loftus Garden Village, said: 

 “This lovely big Christmas tree lights up at dusk each evening throughout December. It’s twinkly reflection in the pond through the dark winter nights creates such a festive atmosphere that it’s hard to imagine Christmas without it. Well done Jason and a big thank you to ADS.”