Let’s Keep Loftus Looking Lovely

Eight years ago, Loftus Garden village was nothing more than the beginnings of a building site on a fantastic new venture.

Newport’s first Garden Village would pave the way for a new approach to building homes, with sustainability and green infrastructure at its core. This new idea of surrounding residents with trees, shrubs and flowers, not only makes it a visually beautiful place to live but also a very attractive place for wildlife to set up home. This in turn increases biodiversity and creates a wonderful environment to bring up children, where they can experience and learn about nature first hand. The wellbeing effect on all is phenomenal.

This Garden village idea is not a new one, as it was introduced in the 1930’s to bring the countryside into the city and all the benefits that go with it, but with the realisation of climate change and a mindset of saving the planet in any way we can, the government have recognised what a good idea it was. The future of housing development is all going this way with even more sustainable features such as solar panels, heat pumps and rain gardens.

Pobl is proud of Loftus and has invested a lot of money into making it a flagship site where they can bring visitors from other housing associations and councils and show off their achievements.

It is the only housing estate in Newport with it’s own gardening team which means standards can be kept high but they can only do so much and we need the help of residents too. All we ask is that you do your bit by keeping your front gardens and driveways tidy.

Lately some driveways and frontages have become a dumping ground for rubbish waiting for a trip to the tip which for one reason or another gets put off.

This year we are encouraging everyone to help out by keeping their own little patch of Loftus looking lovely. Those who need a nudge will receive a polite reminder through their letterbox so please everyone, let’s work together and keep Loftus looking lovely.