Kitchen Garden blog

All things Green

At last hope is on the horizon for the reopening of the kitchen garden.

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March update

It is with regret we have to advise residents that due to measures to mitigate the Coronavirus outbreak the proposed sign up day for the Kitchen Garden plots on 28th March has been postponed. Pobl will review the situation in April and advise of the new date to meet with residents to sign up for 2020/21.

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February in the Kitchen Garden I sense excitement in the air already amongst our plot holders as the first yearly contract comes to an end and a new one comes up for grabs. Due to the roaring success of the kitchen garden last year and the interest we have off Newbies,  POBL will be allocating  plots differently  this time round. Unlike last year when it was done on a first come first served basis, this year, those on the waiting list will have priority and then if there are more…

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Kitchen Garden

With the new gardening season just around the corner, it is your chance to put your name down for a plot in the Kitchen Garden at Loftus. The kitchen plots were a success during last year with residents growing a huge variety of vegetables. Priority will be given to residents that have not previously had a kitchen plot and you will also need to ensure that you have complied with the conditions of the transfer document, including; Payment of the estate charge. Keeping your front garden neat and tidy, including…

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Life of a Loftus Pumpkin

From sowing the seed in pots at home to carving out what is supposed to be a scary face It’s been fun all the way. The children who accepted our invitation and turned up to plant the Pumpkins early in the year have been rewarded with the fruits of their labour – a pumpkin each to make a lantern. It was great fun teaching our budding little gardeners what to do and watching as they enthusiastically followed our instructions by planting each pumpkin plant with such care. They were well…

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October update

Following an inspection of the Kitchen Garden in September 2019 Pobl hopes that you have enjoyed the process of growing produce over the summer months.  Overall the Kitchen garden plots were well maintained. Here is an update on jobs that will need doing over the next few weeks: The autumn season is now upon us so you need to think about harvesting any existing crops and getting your beds ready for the winter. Please ensure that all weeds are removed. Any green waste should be placed in the compost bays…

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The 1st of April was a step into the unknown for us all, the idea of a resident’s kitchen garden sounded good on paper but how would it work in reality? This had been the big question from planning stage. Now 6 months on the question is why did we ever doubt the idea, it was bound to be a success considering all the passion that’s gone into the rest of Loftus. The effort people have put into their plots and the incredible volume of vegetables that have proudly gone…

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Bee n Bee Hotel

Thanks to Bradley Miller Loftus Garden Village now has now opened a 5 star Bee‘n’Bee. Bradley came to us initially for one day to experience something new and immediately got hooked. He ended up spending 18 days helping us out at Loftus and loved it so much that we arranged a day for his fellow Pobl Academy come along and experience Loftus for themselves. After a tour and talk about biodiversity the 9 of them put their creative heads on and worked as a team to build bug hotel that…

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Garden Art

You may or may not have noticed the lovely row of paintings on the left-hand side fence as you enter Loftus from Telford street. These were done in the early stages of the development by a group of art students from college Gwent after doing a project on the storey of Ruby Loftus. They came along to Loftus for inspiration and this wonderful mural was the result. These paintings were well viewed when the builder’s yard and offices were next door but since the yard is no more these fabulous…

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June in the Kitchen Garden

After only two months of opening, the kitchen garden is looking fabulous and is already providing food for the table. Mark was sowing seeds and planting his plot up on the very first day of opening and is now reaping the rewards. I caught him in the street the other day on his way back from the kitchen garden looking very pleased with himself. He proudly showed me a very impressive bunch of radishes. It’s amazing what can be achieved in a couple of months and its only June. We…

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May in the Kitchen Garden

Our kitchen garden officially opened on April 1st and nearly 6 weeks on crop production is well underway. Young and old, experienced and novice, it’s great to see everyone giving it a go.

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A little guide to Gardening

If you have moss in your lawn it can be treated by raking out by hand with a springbok rake or applying moss killer first and then raking the dead out. You will need to reseed the bare patches afterwards.

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