Kitchen Garden

With the new gardening season just around the corner, it is your chance to put your name down for a plot in the Kitchen Garden at Loftus.

The kitchen plots were a success during last year with residents growing a huge variety of vegetables. Priority will be given to residents that have not previously had a kitchen plot and you will also need to ensure that you have complied with the conditions of the transfer document, including;

  1. Payment of the estate charge.
  2. Keeping your front garden neat and tidy, including free of weeds.
  3. Paths and Driveways should not be used to store items or any other rubbish.

Plots will be allocated randomly as last year.

The charge of £20 for the season will remain the same and any income will be reinvested in the kitchen garden. There are plans to plant a grape vine and also another season of Pumpkins.

The sign up day will be Saturday 21st March 2020, between 10.00am and 2.00pm.

If you are interested in a plot from April 2020 to February 2021 please contact Frances Hope on by the 28th February.