Gardeners diary

June 2018

This lovely summer we are having has brought on a lot of growth to everything including the hedges which are now looking in need of their first trim.

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Leatherjackets are the larvae of Daddy Long legs that hatch from eggs laid in the soil into large, grey, fat grubs that eat the roots of grass.

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May 2018

May is my favourite month of the year!

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Willows & Hedges

I expect many of you are wondering what’s happened to the willow trees, and why they have received such a harsh pruning?

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January Update 2018

The start of a  new year in the garden is always very exciting and as pretty as the Christmas tree was it felt good to take in down and pack away the lights for another twelve months. The first month of the year is often about planning for spring and tidying up. The team has been busy cutting back the grasses around the pond. They may look a bit tried at the moment, but it is an important part  of have healthy plants. Spring is the next thing to be…

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A Handy Guide to Gardening

Shrub Maintenance – Where do you start?? Always start by applying the three D’s of pruning. Cut out DEAD, DAMAGED and DISEASED wood. Pruning cuts are essentially wounds to the plant where disease could enter so use sharp, clean tools and make clean cuts without leaving snags. Cut close to buds, but not into them, and always above. Pruning young shrubs Early pruning helps establish a shapely shrub with vigorous, balanced growth. Most evergreen shrubs do not need thinning or formative pruning (apart from Buxus) However all shrubs benefit from…

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How to Improve your Garden August 2017

Changes to your garden Gardens form an integral part of the village and contribute to the quality and charm of the village. Front gardens should be maintained to acceptable standard and new shrubs should be of an appropriate size and not over dominate the garden. If you want to make any changes to the front of your home, which include the garden you will need to ask permission. Please contact for an application form. Here are some small shrubs suitable for front gardens recommended by the gardener; Potentilla friuticosa…

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