Creating a Dog Play Park: A Furtastic Idea?

Many of you will be aware that Loftus Phase 2 is on the horizon.

Loftus Garden Village was the first of its kind for Pobl and has become the benchmark for the standard of homes that we want to build in the future. Cutting carbon is one of our key ambitions as a business, so we are looking at how we can make our new homes even more sustainable and eco friendly. Loftus Phase 2 will be built with these goals in mind;  heating will provided by underground heat pumps, energy will be provided by solar panels on the roofs and surface water will be drained into street rain gardens.  The site will include more wild areas to encourage biodiversity and additional natural play areas for children.

There is an area of the new site that has not yet been assigned a use, and one suggestion is that it is used to create a dog play park. This would be a secure area with dog agility play equipment where local residents can let their dogs run off-lead safely.

We would like to involve the existing Loftus community and find out what residents think of this idea. We are sure that everyone with a dog will love it but we are hoping that non dog owners can see the benefits too: by creating this dedicated space for dogs to exercise, we would hope that it would lead to less dog waste on our streets, fewer plants trampled by owners playing with their dogs in the park and less damage to your front gardens from dogs urinating on them.

If you’d like to share your thoughts on this proposal, please get in touch with Frances Hope. You can email her at or call 07843539104 / 07796429624.

The better the response the more likely it will happen: so please spread the word and encourage others to get in touch!