April 2021

The garden inspections have now started and will continue throughout the summer.

Pobl would like to thank everyone who received a green Traffic light card and also all those who made the effort to turn their Amber and Red cards into a green over the Easter break.

It makes such a difference to the overall look of Loftus. The gardeners can only do so much and we really appreciate every one making that effort with their own patch of Loftus.

Grass stays healthy if mowed regularly, it thickens the grass at the base and thick grass discourages lawn weeds. Your grass will also thank you for a lawn feed and some grass seed on any bare bits. Another tip for a lovely lawn is don’t mow too low just do it often. This will protect the ground from drying out in hot spells. Lawn weeds can be dug out or use a selective weed killer that is meant for lawns. It will only kill broad leaf weeds and not the grass.

If weeds in your beds are a problem and you feel you can’t keep up with them, give your bed a light dig over and do a thorough one- off blitz on the weeds then put down a thick layer of new bark mulch. Job done for the rest of the summer.

Last week POBL gave out 91 green cards the rest were red and ambers, it’s great to see that in less than a week the greens have gone up to 135.

If anyone is struggling with their garden please don’t give up, the team is always happy to help with advice.

Thanks for helping to keep Loftus looking Lovely.