Way back when Loftus Garden Village was just an idea in the heads of the team at Pobl, the vision of a unique place to live with pretty houses surrounded by green open spaces and a strong community hub was really just a dream.

Now 8 years down the line, Pobl’s vision has become a reality. Loftus Garden Village is not only looking fabulous, but the community spirit we hoped for has come into its own.
The Coronavirus pandemic has affected the whole world and we are hearing so many wonderful stories of people raising money for the NHS, like 100 year old Captain Tom and the others who became inspired by him.

Here at Loftus we are proud to have our own story to tell. Julie Murphy decided to do something to make a difference and asked the residents of Loftus to donate snacks and drinks to show their appreciation to the nurses at the Royal Gwent Hospital. The response was incredible. In fact, the residents gave so generously that there was enough to give half to St Woolas as well.

Pobl would like to say a big thank you to Julie and everyone who donated. This type of community spirit shows that Loftus has a heart that we should all be proud of.