
The 1st of April was a step into the unknown for us all, the idea of a resident’s kitchen garden sounded good on paper but how would it work in reality? This had been the big question from planning stage. Now 6 months on the question is why did we ever doubt the idea, it was bound to be a success considering all the passion that’s gone into the rest of Loftus. The effort people have put into their plots and the incredible volume of vegetables that have proudly gone home for the dinner table has surpassed all our expectations.

Well done everyone.

Our first season has had its ups and downs with the pump breaking and the tank running out of water but despite the problems I think we all deserve a pat on the back.

The communal areas that Paul and I have been looking after have established well with only a few casualties and the Herb garden is looking good.

The dreaded Mares-tail that started creeping in under the fence has been stopped in its tracks with a carefully timed application of weed Killer and although it will always try to come back in from outside, hopefully we can keep it confined to that bed along the fence line.

Sadly, we cannot be organic all of the time. This weed has survived since dinosaur times and would take over Loftus if not controlled.

The 5 pumpkin plants that the children planted in May have produced 7 good size pumpkins between them. One was getting nibbled so we decided it was time for harvest. We will leave them in the sun to fully ripen, away from hungry mice.

You may have noticed that we have been helping out with the compost making to start you off. Paul has been adding grass clippings all summer and the wild flower meadow is now also in the compost bay. All this will need regular turning over to keep air in the mixture which will help it rot down and produce useable compost for next spring.

On the subject of composting, I thought it important to share what we discovered today in the kitchen garden.

I know most of you understand the importance of recycling green waste and the benefits it has to the soil, but there always has to be one who doesn’t!!!!!!!