Bradleys guest blog

Here is a little snippet from what happened last week: This week the children were off, so what better way to spend one of the days engaging with the younger members of the community by planting pumpkins. Fran had pre-planted the seeds, so we had the pleasure of seeing the formed pumpkin plant. My job as well as safeguarding the children was to get the children to write Names they would like to pumpkins to be on a piece of paper. After Frances demonstrated how the Pumpkin plants went in the ground it was time for the children to lend a hand. There was bundles enthusiasm oozing from the kids as we unearthed the soil to make space for the plant. The children worked well in teams, shared the tools and watering can, and had a lot of fun learning about plants and insects. I thoroughly enjoyed engaging with the tenants of Loftus. It was also a chance for Frances to give helpful advice to the owners of the kitchen garden plots.