Bradley’s Gardening blog!

Hello People, my name is Bradley and I am currently undergoing a career development programme with Pobl.

The beauty of this programme is I get an array of knowledge across the board. Two months at a time I get to experience a placement in a new department. The aim of the programme is to give people within the services a chance to develop a career. I am now 4 weeks into the commercial development team and loving it.

I’ve recently been blessed with an opportunity to work alongside head Gardner/horticulturist Frances who has a fountain of knowledge about natural landscape. I have lent a hand to the kitchen garden and voiced my desire to contribute further. I will spend a week absorbing what it takes to be a horticulturist and helping when I can. Plants and horticulture help heal and boost people’s fitness and mental health.

People suffering all levels of physical and mental ailments can be helped and sometimes rehabilitated through growing plants and gardening. The scents, sights and textures of gardens, as well as the act of gardening itself can re-awaken memories and reignite stifled energies and abilities. This ties into the research I developed in my second placement about implementing health and wellbeing into the workplace.