
Now summer is here every one should be cutting their grass at least fortnightly to keep it healthy. However some of you may have noticed that despite your efforts of regular mowing and TLC your lawn is thin and dead in patches.

This is more than likely due to the infestation of Leatherjackets we are experiencing at Loftus this year.

Leatherjackets are the larvae of Daddy Long legs that hatch from eggs laid in the soil into large, grey, fat grubs that eat the roots of grass.

It is a particular problem on new turf as the roots are not established enough to cope with a bit of munching by these pests. You can help the situation by keeping your lawn mowed regularly, (this thickens the grass and roots) feed with a granular lawn feed and water in times of drought.

If your lawn has already been eaten to a point of showing bare patches of soil the grass will not grow back and will need reseeding or relaying of new turf. This is best done in the autumn now as the weather is too hot and ground conditions are too dry.

There is only one treatment available on the market to kill these grubs and this comes in the form of a natural product called Nematodes. These are tiny microscopic worms that when watered into the ground seeks out the grubs and kills them with a bacteria. It is totally organic so its safe for children and pets.

You cannot buy this treatment at the garden centre as it is alive and needs to be kept in the fridge. The product is called Nemasys Natural Leatherjacket Killer and is available on line from Nematodes Direct.

It is best applied with a sprayer in the rain as this helps wash the nematodes down to the roots where the grubs are feeding and the ground will need to be kept moist for two weeks after treatment to keep the worms alive. Two treatments a year are recommended, Spring and Autumn with the spring treatment at double strength. If you really love your lawn It is advisable to treat your grass even if there are no visible signs of leatherjacket damage as they are probably there lurking.

This may sound a lot of hastle but if you take a pride in your garden, this is what we recommend you do to combat this infestation.

As an alternative to grass, we have informed residents in our previous newsletters that the slate that is shown on the Show Homes is available to buy from us, all you need to do is submit your request using the ‘alterations to your home’ form, we can then assess your garden and liaise with you to achieve a safe, suitable standard garden. Below are pictures of what the grass looks like when infested with Leatherjackets and a great example of what your gardens can look like with the slate.