All things Green

At last hope is on the horizon for the reopening of the kitchen garden.

As for a time scale, well that’s impossible to predict just now, but the rate the welsh government are dishing out the jabs is a very positive sign that things just might get back to some sort of normality this year.

With this in mind, and in readiness for when we are given the green light to open, Pobl would like to gage how much interest there is for kitchen garden plots again this year.

Any resident interested should contact Frances and get their name on the waiting list but please note that things are going to be different this year.

The traffic light card system of garden inspections will start again in March and only residents who are up to date with their service charge payments and are keeping their front gardens neat and tidy will be eligible for a plot.

By neat and tidy we mean:
• Grass mown every fortnight
• Shrubs kept neat
• beds kept free of weeds at all times.
• No rubbish left in front gardens or on drives.

Frances is more than happy to advise on how to care of your garden if you’re unsure.

The traffic light system will also apply to the kitchen garden plots so think twice if you don’t have the time before committing to taking one on.

Anyone with a red card who does nothing to rectify the problem picked up on, Will lose their plot. This also applies to keeping up with your service charge payment.

The quarterly price draw is going to change too. It will take place twice a year with an increase of prize money will increase to £150 and all you have to do to take part is comply with the rules.

The prize draws will take place at the end of June and the end of October 2021.

• Keep up with your service charge payments.
• Make sure your traffic light card inspections are green.
• Amber cards that are rectified to green with in a fortnight will count.

Those who are eligible for the price draw will be informed a few days before the draw takes place.
We should all be proud to live in such a unique and beautiful Garden village and these changes are aimed at encouraging residents do their bit by keeping their own little patch of Loftus looking Lovely.