Christmas Tree 2019

Following consultation with residents regarding the installation of a Christmas Tree for 2019 we had a total of 115 responses. Of those residents that responded, 80% confirmed that they would like a Christmas tree. There was less of an agreement relating to the potential costs, with there being an almost 50/50 split on residents wanting the costs included in the annual estate charge.

Pobl is pleased to confirm that the Christmas Tree will be installed on 2nd December 2019 by Morris Gardening Centre.  For future year there will need to be a strong consensus that residents think that the scheme will benefit from a Christmas Tree and want the costs included in the annual estate charge.

We are aware that previously residents living on Loftus Walk have arranged an event to a Christmas lighting and the Loftus Neighbourhood Watch were also considering arranging an event. We understand that any event will be published through the Loftus Facebook page.